Eggstra Work

This data is based on users and differs significantly from overall game statistics.

Marooner's Bay (Feb 2, 2024)

UsersAverageStd DevGold
Top 5%
Top 20%
Top 50%
stat.inkInkling 518Golden Eggs 182.4354.21Golden Eggs 261Golden Eggs 229Golden Eggs 182
Official Results---Golden Eggs 218Golden Eggs 172Golden Eggs 133
Empirical Estimates-Golden Eggs 120.35(55.72)(Golden Eggs 212)(Golden Eggs 167)(Golden Eggs 120)

Overall Estimates: The estimated distribution of the overall game, as estimated from the official results. Just scaled for easy contrast, the Y-axis value does not directly indicate the number of people. (μ=133.50, σ=51.68)