Big Run

This data is based on users and differs significantly from overall game statistics.

Eeltail Alley (Mar 8, 2024)

Water Level and Events

UsersAverageStd DevGold
Top 5%
Top 20%
Top 50%
Official Thresholds---Golden Eggs 135Golden Eggs 110Golden Eggs 85
stat.inkInkling 893Golden Eggs 138.3732.14Golden Eggs 195Golden Eggs 160Golden Eggs 138
Empirical Estimates-Golden Eggs 103.47(39.84)(Golden Eggs 169)(Golden Eggs 137)(Golden Eggs 103)

Empirical Estimates: This is a wild guess based on past results and posts. Just scaled for easy contrast, the Y-axis value does not directly indicate the number of people. The data contains a large error margins. This data is basically not informative. (μ=103.47, σ=39.84)