Big Run

This data is based on users and differs significantly from overall game statistics.

Barnacle & Dime (Dec 1, 2023)

Water Level and Events

UsersAverageStd DevGold
Top 5%
Top 20%
Top 50%
Official Thresholds---Golden Eggs 135Golden Eggs 110Golden Eggs 85
stat.inkInkling 1,071Golden Eggs 144.0932.24Golden Eggs 198Golden Eggs 167Golden Eggs 144
Official Results---Golden Eggs 165Golden Eggs 144Golden Eggs 116
Empirical Estimates-Golden Eggs 110.61(36.10)(Golden Eggs 170)(Golden Eggs 141)(Golden Eggs 110)

Overall Estimates: The estimated distribution of the overall game, as estimated from the official results. Just scaled for easy contrast, the Y-axis value does not directly indicate the number of people. (μ=116.50, σ=29.79)