はちのいち's Salmon Log



Summary: Based on the current filter
Avg. Waves
Clear %
Wave 2
Wave 1
Pwr Eggs

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 #StageStageSpecialResultGoldenGolden/WTtl. GoldenTtl. Golden (Wave)Pwr EggsPwr E/WTtl. Pwr. E.Ttl. Pwr. E. (Wave)RescuesDeathsHazard LevelTitleTitle (After)Date TimeRelative Time
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Detail9,463Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared186.010934 - 38 - 37653217.73,161929 - 1,095 - 1,13700200.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 580
Detail9,462Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared237.79831 - 34 - 33879293.04,1141,043 - 1,483 - 1,58831200.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,461Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared258.311836 - 42 - 401,562520.74,7782,551 - 1,114 - 1,11300198.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail9,460Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared3210.712652 - 33 - 41939313.04,1431,251 - 1,651 - 1,24111194.0Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail9,459Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared227.310737 - 35 - 35762254.03,001849 - 1,064 - 1,08800190.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail9,458Spawning GroundsGroundsSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared186.09236 - 30 - 26739246.33,9361,579 - 1,319 - 1,03821186.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,457Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared299.710236 - 36 - 30633211.03,3001,077 - 1,035 - 1,18801182.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,456Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared227.39528 - 35 - 32767255.73,057905 - 1,113 - 1,03920178.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,455Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared289.312335 - 53 - 35950316.73,7481,067 - 978 - 1,70301174.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,454Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetCleared206.711740 - 32 - 45708236.03,3981,021 - 1,409 - 96820200.0Profreshional 580Profreshional 600
Detail9,453Lost OutpostOutpostSplashdownCleared248.010533 - 33 - 39855285.03,9091,482 - 1,171 - 1,25620200.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 580
Detail9,452Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayCleared299.712438 - 41 - 451,447482.35,113951 - 2,284 - 1,87800200.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,451Lost OutpostOutpostSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared196.311038 - 32 - 40831277.03,1821,147 - 976 - 1,05911200.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail9,450Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetCleared227.310231 - 39 - 32788262.73,607957 - 1,503 - 1,14700200.0Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail9,449Lost OutpostOutpostSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared217.010333 - 31 - 39500166.73,1781,012 - 1,082 - 1,08420200.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail9,448Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetCleared186.010236 - 38 - 281,379459.73,8662,067 - 764 - 1,03510200.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,447Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayFailed in wave 3 Time186.010234 - 44 - 24912304.03,402922 - 1,210 - 1,27000200.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 460
Detail9,446Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayCleared175.79832 - 26 - 40704234.73,3061,001 - 1,153 - 1,15202200.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,445Lost OutpostOutpostSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared227.311037 - 38 - 35706235.33,4131,020 - 1,059 - 1,33410200.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,444Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayCleared196.311038 - 35 - 37754251.33,5051,318 - 1,002 - 1,18512200.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,443Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared3511.712743 - 41 - 43892297.33,7741,186 - 1,267 - 1,32100178.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 580
Detail9,442Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetCleared258.310731 - 37 - 391,240413.33,7561,046 - 1,361 - 1,34900174.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,441Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetCleared3010.012446 - 36 - 421,245415.04,7241,322 - 2,041 - 1,36110170.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail9,440Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared3812.711925 - 39 - 55917305.73,4241,231 - 765 - 1,42810166.0Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail9,439Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetCleared258.310432 - 38 - 34882294.03,030946 - 988 - 1,09600162.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail9,438Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayCleared279.010439 - 38 - 27871290.33,173994 - 1,059 - 1,12000158.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,437Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownCleared186.08524 - 30 - 31748249.33,138940 - 973 - 1,22500154.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,436Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayCleared3110.310029 - 35 - 361,000333.34,248991 - 1,109 - 2,14800150.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,435Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownCleared3612.011838 - 40 - 40786262.03,024767 - 974 - 1,28301146.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,434Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared165.37723 - 26 - 28696232.02,830956 - 850 - 1,02410200.0Profreshional 999
Detail9,433Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared3913.014334 - 56 - 53935311.73,849754 - 2,245 - 85000200.0Profreshional 999
Detail9,432Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared268.79930 - 30 - 39732244.02,8401,179 - 790 - 87110200.0Profreshional 999
Detail9,431Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared299.710532 - 29 - 44978326.03,902800 - 2,057 - 1,04500200.0Profreshional 970Profreshional 990
Detail9,430Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared3010.013744 - 34 - 59978326.04,4671,451 - 905 - 2,11111200.0Profreshional 950Profreshional 970
Detail9,429Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared289.313248 - 39 - 451,232410.75,2921,942 - 1,227 - 2,12311200.0Profreshional 930Profreshional 950
Detail9,428Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared186.011140 - 27 - 44958319.34,6171,942 - 878 - 1,79710200.0Profreshional 910Profreshional 930
Detail9,427Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared3010.012436 - 40 - 48946315.33,259738 - 807 - 1,71400200.0Profreshional 890Profreshional 910
Detail9,426Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared289.312840 - 43 - 45897299.02,865791 - 1,189 - 88500200.0Profreshional 870Profreshional 890
Detail9,425Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared196.310036 - 32 - 321,189396.34,1991,206 - 1,590 - 1,40310190.6Profreshional 850Profreshional 870
Detail9,424Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared217.09732 - 34 - 31928309.32,839849 - 1,168 - 82200200.0Profreshional 830Profreshional 850
Detail9,423Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared217.09135 - 25 - 311,229409.73,8021,389 - 1,570 - 84320200.0Profreshional 810Profreshional 830
Detail9,422Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 2 Time94.56846 - 22543271.52,6122,015 - 59710200.0Profreshional 820Profreshional 810
Detail9,421Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared165.39628 - 38 - 30683227.72,440660 - 896 - 88400200.0Profreshional 800Profreshional 820
Detail9,420Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared237.79835 - 37 - 26879293.02,518481 - 1,265 - 77220200.0Profreshional 780Profreshional 800
Detail9,419Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared279.010033 - 33 - 34865288.32,607747 - 747 - 1,11310200.0Profreshional 760Profreshional 780
Detail9,418Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared3110.315539 - 55 - 611,050350.03,936767 - 1,575 - 1,59421200.0Profreshional 740Profreshional 760
Detail9,417Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared3110.313344 - 32 - 571,247415.75,7761,972 - 1,793 - 2,01121200.0Profreshional 720Profreshional 740
Detail9,416Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared3110.314740 - 59 - 48962320.74,365874 - 2,006 - 1,48510200.0Profreshional 700Profreshional 720
Detail9,415Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared227.311140 - 39 - 321,471490.35,7501,414 - 2,483 - 1,85310200.0Profreshional 680Profreshional 700
Detail9,414Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared196.310126 - 29 - 46792264.03,120731 - 790 - 1,59901197.0Profreshional 660Profreshional 680
Detail9,413Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared258.311738 - 40 - 39555185.02,419885 - 748 - 78610193.0Profreshional 640Profreshional 660
Detail9,412Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared3110.313242 - 43 - 47855285.03,545803 - 921 - 1,82110189.0Profreshional 620Profreshional 640
Detail9,411Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared279.011328 - 30 - 55945315.03,746633 - 975 - 2,13800185.0Profreshional 600Profreshional 620
Detail9,410Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared3210.712148 - 39 - 34703234.33,4771,828 - 815 - 83420181.0Profreshional 580Profreshional 600
Detail9,409Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared258.311142 - 34 - 351,284428.05,5023,238 - 1,413 - 85130177.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 580
Detail9,408Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared268.710540 - 30 - 35885295.03,2891,415 - 893 - 98120173.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,407Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared268.711847 - 39 - 321,328442.74,9272,029 - 1,880 - 1,01800169.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail9,406Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared237.712044 - 35 - 41600200.02,8401,097 - 876 - 86720165.0Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail9,405Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared3411.314142 - 51 - 48932310.75,7161,965 - 1,856 - 1,89500161.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail9,404Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared186.010648 - 27 - 31972324.03,4251,923 - 695 - 80711157.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,403Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared279.011842 - 44 - 321,110370.04,9421,874 - 1,866 - 1,20220153.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,402Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared217.08624 - 35 - 27679226.32,380726 - 781 - 87310149.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,401Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared196.39535 - 23 - 371,342447.34,0851,669 - 1,910 - 50610145.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,400Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared186.09939 - 29 - 31914304.72,8061,202 - 874 - 73000176.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,399Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared3010.010035 - 36 - 291,054351.33,3321,289 - 785 - 1,25830172.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,398Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared217.08624 - 40 - 22592197.32,756810 - 1,104 - 84252168.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,397Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared289.310042 - 36 - 22711237.02,895939 - 1,090 - 86610164.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,396Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetCleared279.09732 - 26 - 39768256.02,834777 - 1,109 - 94831172.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,395Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayCleared186.08527 - 23 - 35593197.72,462836 - 712 - 91431168.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,394Lost OutpostOutpostSplashdownCleared217.010331 - 39 - 33899299.72,843966 - 832 - 1,04500164.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,393Lost OutpostOutpostSplashdownCleared268.78525 - 27 - 33641213.72,851866 - 908 - 1,07710160.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,392Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownCleared299.710042 - 27 - 31703234.33,5751,088 - 1,349 - 1,13820192.4Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,391Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayCleared289.311639 - 44 - 331,317439.04,9392,134 - 1,508 - 1,29720194.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail9,390Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared258.310634 - 38 - 341,392464.04,371888 - 1,203 - 2,28010182.4Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail9,389Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetCleared268.79430 - 31 - 33833277.73,4411,110 - 1,150 - 1,18110180.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail9,388Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayCleared175.78430 - 28 - 26757252.33,2291,012 - 1,142 - 1,07510191.4Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,387Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared3010.010731 - 39 - 37922307.33,6731,109 - 1,051 - 1,51310179.4Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,386Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayCleared217.010933 - 33 - 431,184394.74,529875 - 1,190 - 2,46402173.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,385Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownCleared237.710832 - 39 - 37887295.73,2691,091 - 979 - 1,19910178.2Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
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Detail9,384Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared237.79837 - 30 - 31803267.73,4351,744 - 833 - 85820200.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 580
Detail9,383Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared155.09734 - 31 - 32571190.32,848968 - 1,068 - 81211197.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,382Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared227.39032 - 28 - 30493164.32,339615 - 691 - 1,03320193.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail9,381Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared268.711230 - 53 - 29900300.03,5941,070 - 1,711 - 81320189.0Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail9,380Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared268.711537 - 31 - 47674224.72,930782 - 731 - 1,41700185.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail9,379Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared196.310829 - 38 - 411,111370.33,576707 - 1,670 - 1,19910181.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,378Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared248.012239 - 31 - 52698232.73,9401,665 - 1,022 - 1,25310177.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,377Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared279.012244 - 52 - 261,188396.04,5001,691 - 1,831 - 97810173.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,376Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared279.011342 - 33 - 38747249.02,9811,080 - 692 - 1,20910169.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,375Spawning GroundsGroundsSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared248.09834 - 26 - 38996332.03,9361,016 - 1,322 - 1,59810191.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 580
Detail9,374Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared196.39027 - 25 - 38815271.73,1321,256 - 840 - 1,03620187.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,373Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared279.010336 - 33 - 34904301.33,291950 - 1,040 - 1,30111183.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail9,372Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared217.09939 - 30 - 30738246.03,3101,193 - 956 - 1,16110179.0Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail9,371Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared155.08831 - 31 - 26771257.03,2401,223 - 967 - 1,05010175.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail9,370Spawning GroundsGroundsSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared227.39132 - 27 - 32898299.33,6311,124 - 1,008 - 1,49930171.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail9,369Spawning GroundsGroundsSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared248.09835 - 23 - 40858286.03,228961 - 1,087 - 1,18010167.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail9,368Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared227.38721 - 29 - 37679226.33,243760 - 1,470 - 1,01320163.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail9,367Spawning GroundsGroundsSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared155.08625 - 26 - 351,038346.03,719932 - 1,339 - 1,44800160.4Profreshional 400Profreshional 420
- ( )
Detail9,366Marooner's BayBaySplashdownFailed in wave 3 Time237.77828 - 27 - 23754251.33,137827 - 1,378 - 93210200.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 560
Detail9,365Marooner's BayBaySplashdownCleared227.38725 - 29 - 33957319.03,6991,344 - 1,141 - 1,21420200.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail9,364Marooner's BayBaySplashdownCleared289.310538 - 30 - 37803267.73,6521,102 - 1,503 - 1,04700197.4Profreshional 520Profreshional 540