はちのいち's Salmon Log



Summary: Based on the current filter
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Wave 2
Wave 1
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 #StageStageSpecialResultGoldenGolden/WTtl. GoldenTtl. Golden (Wave)Pwr EggsPwr E/WTtl. Pwr. E.Ttl. Pwr. E. (Wave)RescuesDeathsHazard LevelTitleTitle (After)Date TimeRelative Time
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Detail10,103Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared124.010336 - 26 - 41934311.33,8261,448 - 725 - 1,65320200.0Profreshional 770Profreshional 790
Detail10,102Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared82.710832 - 37 - 391,763587.75,3451,728 - 1,533 - 2,08400200.0Profreshional 750Profreshional 770
Detail10,101Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared165.39230 - 31 - 31750250.02,6271,078 - 683 - 86600200.0Profreshional 730Profreshional 750
Detail10,100Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared206.710639 - 33 - 34873291.03,0791,294 - 732 - 1,05330200.0Profreshional 710Profreshional 730
Detail10,099Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared155.010836 - 40 - 32745248.33,6261,652 - 775 - 1,19922200.0Profreshional 690Profreshional 710
Detail10,098Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared175.711031 - 35 - 44797265.73,635787 - 792 - 2,05600200.0Profreshional 670Profreshional 690
Detail10,097Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 2 Time94.54122 - 19558279.02,1791,280 - 89931200.0Profreshional 680Profreshional 670
Detail10,096Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared144.79727 - 28 - 42784261.33,464985 - 1,151 - 1,32800200.0Profreshional 660Profreshional 680
Detail10,095Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared258.38830 - 29 - 291,109369.74,1571,132 - 698 - 2,32741193.6Profreshional 640Profreshional 660
Detail10,094Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared155.010535 - 40 - 30696232.03,1081,178 - 1,028 - 90230200.0Profreshional 620Profreshional 640
Detail10,093Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared268.713734 - 29 - 74663221.02,555738 - 1,013 - 80400200.0Profreshional 600Profreshional 620
Detail10,092Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared175.78722 - 35 - 30576192.03,187942 - 816 - 1,42940189.6Profreshional 580Profreshional 600
Detail10,091Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared206.713237 - 43 - 52724241.32,974892 - 1,211 - 87100192.0Profreshional 560Profreshional 580
Detail10,090Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared3110.310929 - 46 - 341,119373.04,9141,712 - 1,857 - 1,34500188.0Profreshional 540Profreshional 560
Detail10,089Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared206.79933 - 31 - 35751250.34,3001,008 - 2,461 - 83110184.0Profreshional 520Profreshional 540
Detail10,088Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared155.08726 - 34 - 27638212.73,3141,169 - 1,456 - 68900180.0Profreshional 500Profreshional 520
Detail10,087Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared175.79519 - 37 - 39886295.33,1051,076 - 792 - 1,23720176.0Profreshional 480Profreshional 500
Detail10,086Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared268.712639 - 39 - 48703234.33,045797 - 525 - 1,72300172.0Profreshional 460Profreshional 480
Detail10,085Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared258.312339 - 37 - 47620206.72,552690 - 1,062 - 80010168.0Profreshional 440Profreshional 460
Detail10,084Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared165.310333 - 34 - 36753251.03,4241,457 - 808 - 1,15910164.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail10,083Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared165.39422 - 39 - 33465155.02,351801 - 726 - 82411160.0Profreshional 400Profreshional 420