Thulinma's Salmon Log



Summary: Based on the current filter
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Wave 2
Wave 1
Pwr Eggs

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 #StageStageSpecialResultGoldenGolden/WTtl. GoldenTtl. Golden (Wave)Pwr EggsPwr E/WTtl. Pwr. E.Ttl. Pwr. E. (Wave)RescuesDeathsHazard LevelTitleTitle (After)Date TimeRelative Time
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Detail148Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped134.34112 - 16 - 13328109.31,286516 - 470 - 3001053.2Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail147Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time113.73212 - 12 - 8449149.72,2521,012 - 685 - 5552251.0Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail146Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Wiped103.33011 - 12 - 7400133.31,099464 - 355 - 2801053.0Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail145Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared155.03712 - 13 - 12446148.71,514511 - 580 - 42310249.6Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail144Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared144.73910 - 17 - 12471157.01,556301 - 885 - 3703248.6Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail143Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared175.74918 - 20 - 11796265.32,4631,072 - 946 - 4456048.2Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail142Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared124.04512 - 21 - 12517172.31,865509 - 1,033 - 3230147.0Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail141Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared206.74613 - 10 - 23666222.02,5391,150 - 332 - 1,0574145.0Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail140Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Time103.32911 - 9 - 9584194.71,965838 - 516 - 6114246.0Profreshional 20Profreshional 20
Detail139Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 1 Time22.0448181.04994992050.4Profreshional 40Profreshional 20
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Detail138Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 2 Time63.02615 - 1116582.5970538 - 43234111.2Profreshional 70Profreshional 60
Detail137Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time155.05718 - 25 - 14510170.02,232890 - 830 - 51243110.4Profreshional 70Profreshional 70
Detail136Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Wiped82.74114 - 15 - 12395131.71,764483 - 522 - 7591588.0Profreshional 70Profreshional 70
Detail135Marooner's BayBayInkjetCleared3210.77622 - 35 - 19712237.34,4301,591 - 2,004 - 83530115.2Profreshional 50Profreshional 70
Detail134Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 1 Time55.010107575.04004002091.0Profreshional 70Profreshional 50
Detail133Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 3 Wiped103.34014 - 15 - 11338112.71,422520 - 522 - 38013112.6Profreshional 70Profreshional 70
Detail132Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherCleared196.35325 - 12 - 1628695.31,853667 - 699 - 4873288.0Profreshional 50Profreshional 70
Detail131Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped186.05425 - 18 - 11302100.72,529625 - 1,394 - 5101390.4Profreshional 50Profreshional 50
Detail130Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 2 Time94.52413 - 1116381.5962503 - 4592296.0Profreshional 60Profreshional 50
Detail129Marooner's BayBaySplashdownCleared144.75920 - 21 - 18467155.72,031863 - 579 - 5890392.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
Detail128Marooner's BayBaySplashdownCleared103.35217 - 19 - 16568189.32,454854 - 929 - 67136103.6Profreshional 40
Detail127Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 1 Time22.077211211.05005002293.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 20
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Detail126Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared165.35825 - 15 - 1827090.01,606547 - 487 - 57203115.4Profreshional 45Profreshional 65
Detail125Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared206.76022 - 17 - 21396132.02,496704 - 832 - 96026103.0Profreshional 25Profreshional 45
Detail124Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 2 Wiped84.02111 - 10263131.5965528 - 4370194.0Profreshional 30Profreshional 25
Detail123Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 2 Time105.03220 - 1219999.51,045513 - 53211101.4Profreshional 40Profreshional 30
Detail122Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Time113.74915 - 20 - 14368122.71,673483 - 661 - 5291395.4Profreshional 40Profreshional 40
Detail121Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 2 Time94.53019 - 11236118.0914510 - 40401106.0Profreshional 50Profreshional 40
Detail120Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped93.04317 - 24 - 2470156.72,007733 - 580 - 69403104.0Profreshional 50Profreshional 50
Detail119Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 1 Time44.011119999.04654651099.0Profreshional 70Profreshional 50
Detail118Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared186.07227 - 18 - 27385128.31,649410 - 742 - 4973599.4Profreshional 50Profreshional 70
Detail117Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped124.04922 - 17 - 10632210.72,3221,109 - 690 - 5235598.4Profreshional 50Profreshional 50
Detail116Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayFailed in wave 2 Time105.02513 - 12223111.51,243863 - 3803498.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 50
Detail115Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared124.06020 - 16 - 24461153.71,882595 - 645 - 64210118.4Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
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Detail114Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Wiped155.03718 - 11 - 8503167.71,794892 - 522 - 3803153.6Profreshional 25Profreshional 25
Detail113Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared165.35114 - 19 - 18462154.02,116646 - 674 - 7962053.2Profreshional 25Profreshional 25
Detail112Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Wiped113.7288 - 16 - 429899.31,452471 - 654 - 3271248.2Profreshional 25Profreshional 25
Detail111Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared124.04512 - 20 - 13496165.31,354451 - 519 - 3844135.0Profreshional 25Profreshional 25
Detail110Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared134.34214 - 13 - 15498166.01,668506 - 571 - 5911036.0Profreshional 25Profreshional 25
Detail109Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownFailed in wave 1 Wiped22.0443838.03023020034.4Profreshional 35Profreshional 25
Detail108Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayFailed in wave 3 Wiped93.02511 - 11 - 3382127.31,178461 - 415 - 3028136.4Profreshional 35Profreshional 35
Detail107Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared186.04813 - 15 - 20430143.31,395413 - 455 - 5276034.0Profreshional 35Profreshional 35
Detail106Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared134.3336 - 12 - 15552184.01,511570 - 505 - 4361233.0Profreshional 35Profreshional 35
Detail105Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownFailed in wave 2 Wiped157.54231 - 11529264.52,2201,741 - 4793251.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 35
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Detail104Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared124.05522 - 14 - 19402134.01,860573 - 694 - 5934795.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
Detail103Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayFailed in wave 3 Time72.34716 - 16 - 1529799.01,919510 - 542 - 86746109.4Profreshional 40Profreshional 40
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Detail102Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 2 Time115.53723 - 14369184.51,5831,008 - 57525115.2Profreshional 50Profreshional 45
Detail101Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 2 Time42.02112 - 9260130.0759382 - 3773393.0Profreshional 60Profreshional 50
Detail100Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Time144.76725 - 30 - 12531177.02,8161,330 - 849 - 63713100.0Profreshional 60Profreshional 60
Detail99Marooner's BayBaySplashdownCleared113.76220 - 16 - 26426142.01,973661 - 621 - 69123119.2Profreshional 40Profreshional 60