Doopl's Salmon Log



Summary: Based on the current filter
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Wave 2
Wave 1
Pwr Eggs

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 #StageStageSpecialResultGoldenGolden/WTtl. GoldenTtl. Golden (Wave)Pwr EggsPwr E/WTtl. Pwr. E.Ttl. Pwr. E. (Wave)RescuesDeathsHazard LevelTitleTitle (After)Date TimeRelative Time
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Detail15,994Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared258.310235 - 34 - 33759253.03,1311,043 - 1,446 - 64211198.6Profreshional 695Profreshional 715
Detail15,993Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time175.77928 - 28 - 23745248.32,262521 - 767 - 97420198.6Profreshional 695Profreshional 695
Detail15,992Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared268.710035 - 27 - 38615205.02,134639 - 988 - 50710194.6Profreshional 675Profreshional 695
Detail15,991Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared3110.311833 - 41 - 44957319.03,472545 - 1,256 - 1,67130190.6Profreshional 655Profreshional 675
Detail15,990Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared227.310129 - 36 - 36470156.72,325555 - 1,104 - 66632186.6Profreshional 635Profreshional 655
Detail15,989Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayFailed in wave 1 Wiped33.088182182.043743710190.6Profreshional 655Profreshional 635
Detail15,988Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared196.39741 - 31 - 251,081360.34,6072,844 - 1,192 - 57111186.6Profreshional 635Profreshional 655
Detail15,987Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared3712.311933 - 42 - 441,028342.73,9191,637 - 1,390 - 89211182.6Profreshional 615Profreshional 635
Detail15,986Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared289.39430 - 34 - 30554184.71,948571 - 637 - 74000178.6Profreshional 595Profreshional 615
Detail15,985Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared299.77825 - 24 - 29635211.72,616595 - 655 - 1,36653184.0Profreshional 575Profreshional 595
Detail15,984Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared206.77723 - 21 - 33716238.72,556625 - 506 - 1,42510138.6Profreshional 555Profreshional 575
Detail15,983Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared268.79741 - 30 - 26991330.32,8781,491 - 840 - 54750141.4Profreshional 535Profreshional 555
Detail15,982Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared186.05821 - 18 - 19556185.31,829747 - 511 - 57150119.0Profreshional 515Profreshional 535
Detail15,981Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared186.07119 - 21 - 31461153.71,702615 - 525 - 56230128.2Profreshional 495Profreshional 515
Detail15,980Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 1 Time55.01313138138.048848810115.0Profreshional 515Profreshional 495
Detail15,979Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared175.76417 - 26 - 21697232.32,8051,026 - 803 - 97651146.0Profreshional 495Profreshional 515
Detail15,978Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared175.77328 - 17 - 28751250.31,985662 - 603 - 720110115.4Profreshional 475Profreshional 495
Detail15,977Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared175.77524 - 32 - 19910303.32,458875 - 803 - 78050131.0Profreshional 455Profreshional 475
Detail15,976Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared268.79430 - 37 - 27908302.72,970922 - 1,239 - 80901130.6Profreshional 435Profreshional 455
Detail15,975Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayFailed in wave 2 Wiped157.55032 - 18497248.52,1891,242 - 94710131.4Profreshional 440Profreshional 435
Detail15,974Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared248.06119 - 21 - 21675225.01,825654 - 488 - 68330111.0Profreshional 420Profreshional 440
Detail15,973Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared268.78831 - 37 - 20911303.72,6391,065 - 970 - 60440110.4Profreshional 400Profreshional 420