DJ Octobl's Salmon Log



Summary: Based on the current filter
Avg. Waves
Clear %
Wave 2
Wave 1
Pwr Eggs

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 #StageStageSpecialResultGoldenGolden/WTtl. GoldenTtl. Golden (Wave)Pwr EggsPwr E/WTtl. Pwr. E.Ttl. Pwr. E. (Wave)RescuesDeathsHazard LevelTitleTitle (After)Date TimeRelative Time
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Detail60Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time93.04816 - 19 - 13386128.71,934708 - 617 - 60934125.0Profreshional 60Profreshional 60
Detail59Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetFailed in wave 1 Time22.01010264264.01,0391,0392195.6Profreshional 80Profreshional 60
Detail58Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 1 Wiped11.0998383.034134111105.4Profreshional 100Profreshional 80
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Detail57Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared155.06219 - 23 - 20638212.72,2161,091 - 658 - 46722103.4Profreshional 140Profreshional 160
Detail56Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared113.74815 - 16 - 17404134.71,709465 - 538 - 7060295.4Profreshional 120Profreshional 140
Detail55Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared144.75415 - 22 - 17321107.01,482388 - 594 - 50023108.0Profreshional 100Profreshional 120
Detail54Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped93.05320 - 29 - 4431143.72,362465 - 1,155 - 7420496.0Profreshional 100Profreshional 100
Detail53Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared134.35819 - 21 - 18418139.32,010562 - 865 - 5833498.0Profreshional 80Profreshional 100
Detail52Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared165.37820 - 33 - 25527175.71,866740 - 641 - 4851189.0Profreshional 60Profreshional 80
Detail51Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared103.36722 - 20 - 25442147.31,818768 - 425 - 62502136.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 80
Detail50Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 1 Wiped11.0448282.030530502101.0Profreshional 80Profreshional 60
Detail49Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared165.35618 - 22 - 16385128.31,744970 - 405 - 3690494.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 80
Detail48Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared206.76022 - 17 - 21513171.02,2541,178 - 511 - 56523134.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
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Detail47Lost OutpostOutpostSplashdownFailed in wave 2 Wiped84.03419 - 15381190.51,040497 - 5430193.2Profreshional 80Profreshional 70
Detail46Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetCleared103.34915 - 16 - 18729243.02,467703 - 969 - 79515109.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 80
Detail45Lost OutpostOutpostSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Wiped93.05417 - 25 - 12423141.01,707557 - 662 - 48815101.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 60
Detail44Lost OutpostOutpostSplashdownFailed in wave 1 Time22.01010135135.05685680097.0Profreshional 80Profreshional 60
Detail43Lost OutpostOutpostSplashdownCleared82.74416 - 12 - 16497165.72,300678 - 983 - 63946124.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 80
Detail42Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayCleared124.06219 - 27 - 16378126.02,206756 - 749 - 7013590.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
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Detail41Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared62.07027 - 25 - 18647215.72,4991,110 - 601 - 78825122.0Profreshional 30Profreshional 50
Detail40Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time103.35321 - 19 - 13604201.32,2241,006 - 560 - 65833127.4Profreshional 30Profreshional 30
Detail39Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped134.36123 - 24 - 14423141.01,960551 - 851 - 5582387.4Profreshional 30Profreshional 30
Detail38Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Wiped155.06614 - 32 - 20523174.32,449561 - 1,047 - 8412393.0Profreshional 30Profreshional 30
Detail37Spawning GroundsGroundsSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 2 Time52.52615 - 11366183.01,215466 - 7490289.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 30
Detail36Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared62.04410 - 18 - 16310103.31,465390 - 508 - 5672168.6Profreshional 40
Detail35Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared72.35215 - 20 - 17571190.32,784747 - 686 - 1,3510572.0Overachiever 60Overachiever 80
Detail34Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared144.74012 - 15 - 13713237.72,365595 - 1,169 - 6016271.2Overachiever 40Overachiever 60
Detail33Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayFailed in wave 3 Time113.74016 - 15 - 9360120.01,379497 - 468 - 4144267.4Overachiever 40Overachiever 40
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Detail32Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 2 Wiped31.52515 - 10288144.01,253709 - 5440172.0Overachiever 25Overachiever 15
Detail31Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 2 Wiped42.02012 - 8282141.01,151739 - 4120171.0Overachiever 30Overachiever 25
Detail30Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 2 Time31.51710 - 7354177.01,288749 - 5391271.0Overachiever 40Overachiever 30
Detail29Marooner's BayBaySplashdownFailed in wave 1 Time33.01010407407.07837830190.4Overachiever 40
Detail28Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 1 Time22.01111151151.04344340094.2Profreshional 30Profreshional 10
Detail27Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 3 Time62.04616 - 18 - 12626208.71,975572 - 800 - 60314110.4Profreshional 30Profreshional 30
Detail26Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherCleared62.05321 - 13 - 19494164.71,787734 - 513 - 5400387.4Profreshional 10Profreshional 30
Detail25Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 1 Wiped22.099125125.04384380091.4Profreshional 30Profreshional 10
Detail24Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 3 Wiped103.33821 - 15 - 2305101.71,329508 - 378 - 4431193.2Profreshional 30Profreshional 30
Detail23Marooner's BayBaySplashdownFailed in wave 1 Wiped11.01212112112.063363301102.0Profreshional 50Profreshional 30
Detail22Marooner's BayBaySplashdownFailed in wave 2 Time63.02516 - 9320160.01,188531 - 6572391.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 50
Detail21Marooner's BayBaySting RayCleared41.35514 - 19 - 22404134.71,664430 - 657 - 5772489.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
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Detail20Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetCleared103.34613 - 17 - 16642214.02,332591 - 931 - 8107170.0Profreshional 40
Detail19Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetCleared41.33716 - 9 - 12744248.02,191534 - 413 - 1,2442364.6Overachiever 60Overachiever 80
Detail18Lost OutpostOutpostSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared113.75720 - 18 - 19557185.72,641764 - 1,084 - 7932267.4Overachiever 40Overachiever 60
Detail17Lost OutpostOutpostInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time72.3369 - 20 - 7428142.71,789529 - 616 - 6441368.0Overachiever 40Overachiever 40
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Detail16Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared51.75320 - 15 - 18569189.72,5121,468 - 513 - 5312557.0Overachiever 40
Detail15Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared41.33813 - 15 - 10690230.02,7621,689 - 521 - 5523354.0Go-Getter 60Go-Getter 80
Detail14Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayFailed in wave 1 Wiped00.0005555.088882156.4Go-Getter 80Go-Getter 60
Detail13Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared103.34115 - 11 - 15407135.71,856952 - 384 - 5207251.2Go-Getter 60Go-Getter 80
Detail12Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared72.33110 - 9 - 12501167.01,903536 - 558 - 8091653.0Go-Getter 40Go-Getter 60
Detail11Spawning GroundsGroundsSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared144.74411 - 16 - 17489163.01,640705 - 507 - 4283231.2Go-Getter 40
Detail10Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped103.32910 - 10 - 9517172.31,296525 - 407 - 3641233.0Part-Timer 90Part-Timer 90
Detail9Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared72.33812 - 14 - 1228896.01,604729 - 510 - 3652232.4Part-Timer 70Part-Timer 90
Detail8Spawning GroundsGroundsInkjetCleared134.34412 - 15 - 17428142.71,669386 - 554 - 7293425.4Part-Timer 50Part-Timer 70
Detail7Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayFailed in wave 2 Wiped42.0138 - 5230115.0586303 - 2837228.6Part-Timer 60Part-Timer 50
Detail6Spawning GroundsGroundsSting RayCleared82.7379 - 15 - 13416138.71,494564 - 458 - 4721232.4Part-Timer 40Part-Timer 60
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Detail5Marooner's BayBaySplashdownCleared82.7248 - 8 - 8544181.31,252261 - 310 - 6810011.4Part-Timer 40
Detail4Marooner's BayBaySplashdownFailed in wave 3 Time72.3157 - 5 - 3350116.7966414 - 237 - 3154110.6Apprentice 80Apprentice 80
Detail3Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherCleared62.0217 - 5 - 9326108.7907201 - 328 - 378128.0Apprentice 60Apprentice 80
Detail2Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherCleared93.02811 - 8 - 9382127.31,173400 - 436 - 3376114.6Apprentice 40Apprentice 60
Detail1Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time20.7154 - 6 - 521772.3687189 - 251 - 247128.0Apprentice 40Apprentice 40