Aidiin's Salmon Log



Summary: Based on the current filter
Avg. Waves
Clear %
Wave 2
Wave 1
Pwr Eggs

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 #StageStageSpecialResultGoldenGolden/WTtl. GoldenTtl. Golden (Wave)Pwr EggsPwr E/WTtl. Pwr. E.Ttl. Pwr. E. (Wave)RescuesDeathsHazard LevelTitleTitle (After)Date TimeRelative Time
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Detail194Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 2 Time73.53117 - 14269134.51,100575 - 52511136.6Profreshional 130Profreshional 120
Detail193Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 1 Wiped44.01818227227.076276200119.0Profreshional 150Profreshional 130
Detail192Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared175.77129 - 16 - 26663221.02,176978 - 413 - 78520111.6Profreshional 130Profreshional 150
Detail191Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared124.06524 - 19 - 22541180.31,978560 - 644 - 77431100.4Profreshional 110Profreshional 130
Detail190Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared175.76517 - 31 - 17497165.71,759415 - 908 - 43672104.6Profreshional 90Profreshional 110
Detail189Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 2 Time52.53418 - 16246123.0804359 - 44531138.6Profreshional 100Profreshional 90
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Detail188Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayCleared134.37226 - 22 - 24522174.02,489732 - 892 - 86524133.6Profreshional 100Profreshional 120
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Detail187Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayFailed in wave 1 Time33.099102102.041441431112.0Profreshional 140Profreshional 120
Detail186Lost OutpostOutpostSting RayCleared124.06420 - 14 - 30433144.32,352878 - 555 - 91928108.2Profreshional 120Profreshional 140
Detail185Lost OutpostOutpostSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared155.07226 - 25 - 21493164.31,966554 - 907 - 50572126.2Profreshional 100Profreshional 120
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Detail184Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 2 Time52.52714 - 1316281.01,272531 - 74115112.4Profreshional 110Profreshional 100
Detail183Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared165.37025 - 20 - 25567189.02,146804 - 859 - 48372116.0Profreshional 90Profreshional 110
Detail182Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 1 Time11.01111167167.05745745198.4Profreshional 110Profreshional 90
Detail181Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayFailed in wave 1 Time33.01212104104.063363310110.0Profreshional 130Profreshional 110
Detail180Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 2 Time84.03726 - 11438219.01,7951,352 - 44341106.4Profreshional 140Profreshional 130
Detail179Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared124.05719 - 20 - 18367122.31,360399 - 495 - 46625106.0Profreshional 120Profreshional 140
Detail178Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSting RayCleared175.77118 - 27 - 26501167.02,388673 - 1,134 - 58143108.4Profreshional 100Profreshional 120
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Detail177Marooner's BayBaySplashdownFailed in wave 3 Time103.34820 - 20 - 8685228.33,1191,616 - 1,007 - 49665124.2Profreshional 100Profreshional 100
Detail176Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 3 Time113.74315 - 18 - 10409136.31,517524 - 460 - 5332199.2Profreshional 100Profreshional 100
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Detail175Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 2 Time84.03518 - 17412206.01,513869 - 64433148.6Profreshional 130Profreshional 120
Detail174Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownCleared124.06824 - 26 - 18532177.32,054680 - 684 - 69022113.4Profreshional 110Profreshional 130
Detail173Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Time113.77223 - 27 - 22750250.02,512859 - 907 - 74625179.6Profreshional 110Profreshional 110
Detail172Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped82.75925 - 18 - 16389129.71,931743 - 561 - 62726128.0Profreshional 110Profreshional 110
Detail171Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownCleared72.36420 - 18 - 26669223.02,6881,287 - 638 - 76355130.4Profreshional 90Profreshional 110
Detail170Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardInkjetCleared93.06522 - 26 - 17433144.31,835630 - 572 - 63346109.2Profreshional 70Profreshional 90
Detail169Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Wiped103.34216 - 19 - 7407135.71,849560 - 485 - 80422109.0Profreshional 70Profreshional 70
Detail168Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Time124.06518 - 32 - 15548182.72,1731,073 - 625 - 47512119.0Profreshional 70Profreshional 70
Detail167Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayFailed in wave 2 Wiped94.55021 - 29467233.51,237522 - 71512111.4Profreshional 80Profreshional 70
Detail166Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Wiped124.04119 - 19 - 3493164.31,436537 - 683 - 21622103.0Profreshional 80Profreshional 80
Detail165Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSplashdownCleared155.06221 - 22 - 19546182.01,980600 - 710 - 67052113.0Profreshional 60Profreshional 80
Detail164Salmonid SmokeyardSmokeyardSting RayCleared134.38125 - 23 - 33727242.32,500676 - 894 - 93022131.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
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Detail163Marooner's BayBaySting RayFailed in wave 1 Time55.01313155155.051751730121.6Profreshional 40Profreshional 20
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Detail162Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownCleared93.03816 - 10 - 12488162.71,375435 - 476 - 4644375.2Profreshional 40Profreshional 40
Detail161Spawning GroundsGroundsSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Wiped103.33710 - 19 - 8416138.71,843403 - 702 - 7385176.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 40
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Detail160Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Time124.06323 - 22 - 18442147.31,798577 - 794 - 42767138.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 60
Detail159Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplat-Bomb LauncherCleared186.09027 - 40 - 231,062354.03,932739 - 1,348 - 1,84503184.2Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
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Detail158Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetCleared165.37118 - 22 - 31330110.01,701596 - 580 - 52511126.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
Detail157Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 1 Time44.01212138138.039439400126.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 40
Detail156Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 1 Time22.01010115115.046346312108.4Profreshional 80Profreshional 60
Detail155Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared144.75320 - 16 - 17542180.72,142657 - 1,016 - 46911107.4Profreshional 60Profreshional 80
Detail154Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownFailed in wave 3 Wiped93.04821 - 16 - 11558186.02,0911,184 - 516 - 39121124.0Profreshional 60Profreshional 60
Detail153Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped103.35617 - 22 - 17488162.71,991771 - 634 - 58642138.2Profreshional 60Profreshional 60
Detail152Ruins of Ark PolarisPolarisSplashdownCleared113.76429 - 15 - 20484161.31,976843 - 627 - 5061494.0Profreshional 40Profreshional 60
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Detail151Marooner's BayBayInkjetCleared103.33310 - 12 - 11391130.31,627611 - 393 - 6233050.2Profreshional 90Profreshional 90
Detail150Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 1 Time22.0449393.03303303151.4Profreshional 110Profreshional 90
Detail149Marooner's BayBaySplat-Bomb LauncherFailed in wave 3 Time82.72812 - 11 - 5500166.71,597605 - 522 - 4709452.6Profreshional 110Profreshional 110
Detail148Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 3 Time124.02916 - 9 - 4615205.01,573803 - 403 - 3678251.4Profreshional 110Profreshional 110
Detail147Marooner's BayBaySting RayCleared103.36018 - 21 - 21691230.32,442495 - 995 - 9523399.4Profreshional 90Profreshional 110
Detail146Marooner's BayBayInkjetFailed in wave 3 Wiped93.03514 - 16 - 5397132.31,767884 - 535 - 34832112.4Profreshional 90Profreshional 90
Detail145Marooner's BayBaySplashdownFailed in wave 2 Time73.54729 - 18402201.01,947938 - 1,00904163.2Profreshional 100Profreshional 90