X Power

This data is based on stat.ink users and differs significantly from overall game statistics.
The width of the histogram bins is automatically adjusted by Scott's rule-based algorithm.
ModeInkling UsersAverageStd DevTop 5%Top 20%Top 25%Top 50%Top 75%
Splat Zones Splat Zones191,946.7223.32,315.12,097.62,075.61,938.61,859.1
Tower Control Tower Control211,971.8203.82,238.32,168.92,167.21,962.71,795.9
Rainmaker Rainmaker211,922.2169.92,100.82,052.52,027.91,924.11,804.6
Clam Blitz Clam Blitz111,965.9233.72,260.22,170.62,147.61,930.31,853.6
This chart assumes simple normal distribution of the Power to make it easier to compare each mode.
For the actual distribution, see the charts for each mode.

Splat Zones Splat Zones

Inkling UsersAverageStd DevTop 5%Top 20%Top 25%Top 50%Top 75% Bin Width

Tower Control Tower Control

Inkling UsersAverageStd DevTop 5%Top 20%Top 25%Top 50%Top 75% Bin Width

Rainmaker Rainmaker

Inkling UsersAverageStd DevTop 5%Top 20%Top 25%Top 50%Top 75% Bin Width

Clam Blitz Clam Blitz

Inkling UsersAverageStd DevTop 5%Top 20%Top 25%Top 50%Top 75% Bin Width