Results of Salty's Battle

Mode Turf War Turf War - Regular Battle Regular Battle
Stage Brinewater Springs
WeaponN-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '85 (Suction Bomb Suction Bomb / Tacticooler Tacticooler)
Team Inked
Rank in Team2
Kills / Deaths
3 + 2 / 2 >
Kill Ratio: 1.50
Specials3 (Tacticooler)
Turf Inked1,160p
#1 Enemy-Base Inker
#1 Super Jump Spot
#1 Ground Traveler
Season Fresh Season 2024
Period 3/30/24, 4:00 AM - 6:00 AM
Battle Start (11 months ago)
Battle End (11 months ago)
Elapsed Time3:00 (180 seconds)
Data Sent (11 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.4
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv7.1.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 3,982 13 18 0.72 11
The Great Beta Tester
Inkling sugar #2948
Tentatek Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
1,246 5 + 2 4 1.25 Triple Inkstrike 4
The Eternal Rookie
Octoling Salty???? #5005
N-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '85 Suction Bomb Tacticooler
1,160 3 + 2 2 1.50 Tacticooler 3
Super-Duper Lucky Gadabout
Inkling tv.yktr_ch #1093
Sloshing Machine Sloshing Machine Fizzy Bomb Booyah Bomb
879 2 + 3 4 0.50 Booyah Bomb 2
Panicking Synth Player
Octoling AddUsCitru #1890
N-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '85 Suction Bomb Tacticooler
697 3 + 0 8 0.38 Tacticooler 2
Bad Guys 3,869 18 14 1.29 11
Scientific Professor
Inkling Egon #2080
Octo Shot Replica Octo Shot Replica Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
1,374 7 + 1 2 3.50 Triple Inkstrike 5
Splatlandian Youth
Inkling JPZ #1927
Bloblobber Bloblobber Sprinkler Ink Storm
1,115 1 + 3 4 0.25 Ink Storm 3
Ace Optimist
Inkling suzume #2069
Heavy Edit Splatling Heavy Edit Splatling Curling Bomb Tacticooler
719 10 + 1 4 2.50 Tacticooler 1
Octoling Little Poo #2920
Sploosh-o-matic Sploosh-o-matic Curling Bomb Ultra Stamp
661 0 + 0 4 0.00 Ultra Stamp 2