Results of チョロ's Battle

Lobby Solo Queue
Mode Turf War
Stage Saltspray Rig
Weapon Custom E-liter 3K Scope (Squid Beakon / Kraken)
Level 50 ?
Result Lost
Rank in Team 1
Kills / Deaths 4 / 1 >
Kill Ratio 4.00
Kill Rate 80.0%
Cause of Death
Tri-Slosher : 1 time
Turf Inked + Bonus 777 P
Cash ? 1,244,276
Headgear Clothing Shoes
Primary Ability Last-Ditch Effort Special Duration Up Quick Super Jump
Secondary Abilities Bomb Range Up Defense Up Ink Saver (Sub)
Special Duration Up Defense Up Special Saver

Ability Effect

Battle Start ?
Battle End (9 years ago)
Data Sent (9 years ago)
User Agent IkaLog / 1e2e85e_20160112_131458_WinIkaLog
Game Version 2.4.0
Weapon Level Points k/d Ratio Rate
Bad Guys 2,043 9 / 13 0.69 40.9%
Neo Splash-o-matic 37 1,011 4 / 3 > 1.33 57.1%
Carbon Roller 2 895 0 / 5 < 0.00 0.0%
Tri-Slosher 9 880 3 / 2 > 1.50 60.0%
Splat Charger 4 457 2 / 3 < 0.67 40.0%
Good Guys 1,722 12 / 9 1.33 57.1%
Custom E-liter 3K Scope 50 777 4 / 1 > 4.00 80.0%
.52 Gal 31 603 7 / 3 > 2.33 70.0%
E-liter 3K 17 223 0 / 2 < 0.00 0.0%
N-ZAP '85 22 119 1 / 3 < 0.33 25.0%