Results of たそ's Battle

Lobby Private Battle
Mode Rainmaker
Stage Hammerhead Bridge
Weapon Tri-Slosher (Disruptor / Bubbler)
Rank S+ ?
Level 50 ?
Result Time is up Won
Rank in Team 3
Kills / Deaths 9 / 11 <
Kill Ratio 0.82
Kill Rate 45.0%
Cause of Death
.96 Gal Deco : 4 times
Luna Blaster : 3 times
Heavy Splatling : 2 times
Kraken : 1 time
Rainmaker Shot : 1 time
Battle Start (9 years ago)
Battle End (9 years ago)
Data Sent (9 years ago)
User Agent IkaLog / 158b52f_20151101_185559_WinIkaLog
Game Version 2.2.0