Results of ろゐす's Battle

Mode Splat Zones Splat Zones - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Open)
Stage Barnacle & Dime
WeaponOctobrush Nouveau Octobrush Nouveau (Squid Beakon Squid Beakon / Ink Storm Ink Storm)
RankS+0 ? (+8p)
ResultVictory Knockout
Final Count
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
11 + 3 / 12 <
Kill Ratio: 0.92
Specials3 (Ink Storm)
Turf Inked977p
#1 Overall Splatter
#1 Splat Zone Guard
#1 Super Jump Spot
Season Sizzle Season 2024
Period 6/21/24, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Battle Start (8 months ago)
Battle End (8 months ago)
Elapsed Time4:46 (286 seconds)
Data Sent (8 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.5
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv8.0.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 5,237 28 31 0.90 19
Crusty Shrimp
Inkling えびFly #1993
Octobrush Nouveau Octobrush Nouveau Squid Beakon Ink Storm
977 11 + 3 12 0.92 Ink Storm 3
Limited-Edition Imp
Inkling わんわ #1727
Splattershot Jr. Splattershot Jr. Splat Bomb Big Bubbler
1,944 11 + 1 5 2.20 Big Bubbler 7
The Real Ultimate Callie Fan
Inkling ちょ、、、ちょーー #2383
Heavy Edit Splatling Heavy Edit Splatling Curling Bomb Tacticooler
1,189 3 + 5 7 0.43 Tacticooler 5
Barnacle & Dime Vice President
Inkling あぁ、もう。 #1181
Splatana Stamper Splatana Stamper Burst Bomb Zipcaster
1,127 3 + 1 7 0.43 Zipcaster 4
Bad Guys 5,319 31 28 1.11 19
Passionate Mercenary
Inkling なスー     <3 #3002
Snipewriter 5B Snipewriter 5B Splash Wall Ink Storm
1,710 12 + 0 2 6.00 Ink Storm 6
The Rice Bowl
Inkling ä #2780
Splattershot Jr. Splattershot Jr. Splat Bomb Big Bubbler
1,432 2 + 6 9 0.22 Big Bubbler 4
Sharp-Eyed Eye of the Storm
Inkling ゆきるそす #3346
Octobrush Nouveau Octobrush Nouveau Squid Beakon Ink Storm
917 9 + 3 11 0.82 Ink Storm 4
Nourishing Carpaccio
Octoling mīłķ~~εëβ #7171
Octo Shot Replica Octo Shot Replica Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
1,260 8 + 1 6 1.33 Triple Inkstrike 5