Resultaten van Pixely 's Strijd

ModusSpetterzones - Toernooigevecht (Quad)
Klodderroller (Curlingbom, Superlanding)
RangS+ → S+
ResultaatKnockout Won
Doden / Sterfgevallen
7 + 0 / 3 >
Dodenverhouding: 2,33
URL in verband met deze strijd
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Einde van de slag (5 jaar geleden)
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User web client / v2.10.2 (9d361b7, macOS, Firefox)
NootSplatboro Switch Meetup June 2018
Round Robin 6 - Set 2 - Game 3
Good GGs vs ZL

- We totally coordinated weapons after last match ;)
- That triple splat about 10 secs in really got us ahead early on. I was planning to use my charged splashdown as soon as I got off the ramp, but wasn't fast enough!
- My team did a great job of not overextending this match
- Tons of action too!
StatsGeautomatiseerd: Nee
Gebruikt in globale statistieken: Nee