Results of Pixely's Battle

RuleRainmaker - League Battle (Quad)
StageArowana Mall
Octobrush Nouveau (Squid Beakon, Tenta Missiles)
RankS → S
ResultTime was up Won
Kills / Deaths
16 + 0 / 6 >
Kill Ratio: 2.67
URL related to this battle
Battle Start
Battle End (5 years ago)
Data Sent (5 years ago)
User web client / v2.10.2 (9d361b7, macOS, Firefox)
NoteSplatboro Switch Meetup June 2018
Round Robin 2 - Set 1 - Game 1
Good GGs vs Sweets Potatoes

- I picked the brush because that seems to be good at countering sloshing machine when approached from an indirect angle (from personal experience)
- Playing Rainmaker in this tournament is like playing ranked, especially w/ the lack of communication. It's every squid for themselves, so I didn't rely on teamates to grab the rainmaker. Made a push from 100 to 13 early on:
- Teammates did a great job of inking enemy zone as I made the initial push - including squid beacons!
- Raptura's stingray is legendary (not as legendary as his slosh tho)
- The stingray at the end was even more legendary, it won us the match! Thank you, splatlings <3
Game Version3.1.0
StatsAutomated: No
Used in global stats: No