Results of がお's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Series)
Stage Brinewater Springs
WeaponSplattershot Jr. Splattershot Jr. (Splat Bomb Splat Bomb / Big Bubbler Big Bubbler)
RankS S
ResultVictory Time is up
Final Count
Rank in Team2
Kills / Deaths
4 + 6 / 8 <
Kill Ratio: 0.50
Specials8 (Big Bubbler)
Turf Inked1,774p
Record-Score Setter
#1 Turf Inker
#1 Popular Target
Season Drizzle Season 2024
Period 9/2/24, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Battle Start (6 months ago)
Battle End (6 months ago)
Elapsed Time5:24 (324 seconds)
Data Sent (6 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.6
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv9.0.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: No
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 5,026 31 32 0.97 22
Unblemished Swimmer
Inkling たぬきえもん #2499
E-liter 4K E-liter 4K Ink Mine Wave Breaker
1,061 11 + 3 1 11.00 Wave Breaker 6
Mind-Blowing Avocado Roll
Octoling おにしめ #2637
Splattershot Jr. Splattershot Jr. Splat Bomb Big Bubbler
1,774 4 + 6 8 0.50 Big Bubbler 8
Thunderous Ruffian
Inkling らいぜくす #2053
Dynamo Roller Dynamo Roller Sprinkler Tacticooler
1,111 7 + 0 11 0.64 Tacticooler 4
Inkopolis Square's Curly Hair
Octoling やまゆ #1948
Dynamo Roller Dynamo Roller Sprinkler Tacticooler
1,080 9 + 2 12 0.75 Tacticooler 4
Bad Guys 4,978 32 31 1.03 15
Growing All-Arounder
Inkling Kinok(´∀`) #5137
Dualie Squelchers Dualie Squelchers Splat Bomb Wave Breaker
1,028 8 + 8 9 0.89 Wave Breaker 3
Challenging Bug
Inkling yoi #3323
Heavy Edit Splatling Heavy Edit Splatling Curling Bomb Tacticooler
1,326 8 + 6 8 1.00 Tacticooler 3
Frosty Ruffian
Inkling れいぼー #2777
Forge Splattershot Pro Forge Splattershot Pro Suction Bomb Booyah Bomb
1,420 10 + 3 6 1.67 Booyah Bomb 5
Apparent Off the Hook Fan
Octoling いちと #2110
Splattershot Splattershot Suction Bomb Trizooka
1,204 6 + 3 8 0.75 Trizooka 4