Results of らぴす's Battle

Lobby Solo Queue
Mode Turf War
Stage Mahi-Mahi Resort
Weapon Dynamo Roller (Sprinkler / Echolocator)
Level 50 ?
Result Won
Rank in Team 3
Kills / Deaths 4 / 1 >
Kill Ratio 4.00
Kill Rate 80.0%
Cause of Death
Inkzooka : 1 time
Turf Inked + Bonus 590 + 300 P
Cash ? 4,167,588
Headgear Clothing Shoes
Primary Ability Quick Respawn Special Charge Up Stealth Jump
Secondary Abilities Quick Respawn Special Saver Special Duration Up
Ink Recovery Up Ink Saver (Main) Quick Respawn
Special Saver Ink Saver (Main) Ink Saver (Main)

Ability Effect

Battle Start (9 years ago)
Battle End (9 years ago)
Data Sent (9 years ago)
User Agent IkaLog / unknown
Game Version 2.4.0
Weapon Level Points k/d Ratio Rate
Good Guys 2,286 19 / 6 3.17 76.0%
Aerospray RG 43 1,396 10 / 1 > 10.00 90.9%
Splattershot Jr. 3 900 5 / 4 > 1.25 55.6%
Dynamo Roller 50 890 4 / 1 > 4.00 80.0%
Tentatek Splattershot 4 300 0 / 0 =
Bad Guys 1,733 4 / 21 0.19 16.0%
Carbon Roller 34 745 3 / 4 < 0.75 42.9%
Kelp Splat Charger 5 443 1 / 4 < 0.25 20.0%
Octobrush 15 328 0 / 7 < 0.00 0.0%
Splat Roller 14 217 0 / 6 < 0.00 0.0%