Results of guigas's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Open)
Stage Inkblot Art Academy
WeaponN-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '85 (Suction Bomb Suction Bomb / Tacticooler Tacticooler)
RankS+1 ? (+8p)
ResultVictory Knockout
Anarchy Power 2,188.6
Final Count
Rank in Team2
Kills / Deaths
2 + 1 / 0 >
Kill Ratio: 99.99
Specials1 (Tacticooler)
Turf Inked329p
#1 Score Booster
Record-Score Setter
#1 Super Jump Spot
Season Chill Season 2023
Period 1/2/24, 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Battle Start (a year ago)
Battle End (a year ago)
Elapsed Time0:47 (47 seconds)
Data Sent (a year ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.0
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv6.0.2
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: No
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 970 8 2 4.00 2
Lethal Therapist
Inkling σ Para #3108
Enperry Splat Dualies Enperry Splat Dualies Curling Bomb Triple Splashdown
384 4 + 0 1 4.00 Triple Splashdown 1
Growing Rookie
Inkling σ Guigas #6660
N-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '85 Suction Bomb Tacticooler
329 2 + 1 0 99.99 Tacticooler 1
Monochrome Elegance
Octoling σ 「Yuuriツ」 #2762
Splatana Stamper Splatana Stamper Burst Bomb Zipcaster
116 0 + 2 1 0.00 Zipcaster 0
Silent King
Inkling σ LrdEspur #4829
Z+F Splatterscope Z+F Splatterscope Splash Wall Triple Inkstrike
141 2 + 1 0 99.99 Triple Inkstrike 0
Bad Guys 691 2 8 0.25 0
Hungry Booyah Bomb User
Octoling IO☆Peggle #1323
N-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '85 Suction Bomb Tacticooler
157 1 + 0 2 0.50 Tacticooler 0
Top-Notch Egg
Octoling Koi #2537
E-liter 4K E-liter 4K Ink Mine Wave Breaker
161 0 + 1 1 0.00 Wave Breaker 0
The Chosen One
Inkling Tamo™ #3342
Splat Roller Splat Roller Curling Bomb Big Bubbler
151 1 + 0 2 0.50 Big Bubbler 0
Inkless Predator
Octoling ¡⇒Deati #1428
Splattershot Splattershot Suction Bomb Trizooka
222 0 + 0 3 0.00 Trizooka 0