Results of lnd's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Private Battle Private Battle
Stage Sturgeon Shipyard
WeaponSloshing Machine Sloshing Machine (Fizzy Bomb Fizzy Bomb / Booyah Bomb Booyah Bomb)
ResultVictory Time is up
Final Count
Rank in Team4
Kills / Deaths
6 + 2 / 8 <
Kill Ratio: 0.75
Specials3 (Booyah Bomb)
Turf Inked964p
#1 Splat Assister
#1 Booyah Bomb User
#2 Overall Splatter
Season Chill Season 2022
Period 2/17/23, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Battle Start (2 years ago)
Battle End (2 years ago)
Elapsed Time5:01 (301 seconds)
Data Sent (2 years ago)
User Agents3s / v0.3.1
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv2.1.1
StatsPrivate Battle
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 4,610 29 29 1.00 15
Just Another Splatana Wiper User
チェイス»247 #1407
Splatana Wiper Splatana Wiper Torpedo Ultra Stamp
1,283 13 + 2 6 2.17 Ultra Stamp 7
Overheated Fried Chicken
Pinky #1607
Sloshing Machine Sloshing Machine Fizzy Bomb Booyah Bomb
1,104 5 + 0 7 0.71 Booyah Bomb 2
Pro Berserker
Prior #2718
Splash-o-matic Splash-o-matic Burst Bomb Crab Tank
1,259 5 + 2 8 0.62 Crab Tank 3
Super-Scary Eye of the Storm
leonidas #1615
Sloshing Machine Sloshing Machine Fizzy Bomb Booyah Bomb
964 6 + 2 8 0.75 Booyah Bomb 3
Bad Guys 4,547 29 29 1.00 14
AKA Deity of Destruction
κirbayセン #1856
Splatana Stamper Splatana Stamper Burst Bomb Zipcaster
1,223 10 + 1 8 1.25 Zipcaster 4
Howling Angel
Splash-o-matic Splash-o-matic Burst Bomb Crab Tank
1,297 7 + 3 8 0.88 Crab Tank 4
Super-Rare Turf Warrior
Argσηセン #2039
Sloshing Machine Sloshing Machine Fizzy Bomb Booyah Bomb
1,201 6 + 4 6 1.00 Booyah Bomb 3
Law-Breaking Tofu
endorセン #2979
Carbon Roller Deco Carbon Roller Deco Burst Bomb Trizooka
826 6 + 3 7 0.86 Trizooka 3