Results of lnd's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Open)
Stage Um'ami Ruins
WeaponWellstring V Wellstring V (Autobomb Autobomb / Ultra Stamp Ultra Stamp)
RankS ? (+8p)
ResultVictory Time is up
Final Count
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
12 + 6 / 9 >
Kill Ratio: 1.33
Specials3 (Ultra Stamp)
Turf Inked1,449p
#1 Overall Splatter
Record-Score Setter
#1 Turf Inker
Season Fresh Season 2025
Period 3/16/25, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Battle Start (6 days ago)
Battle End (6 days ago)
Elapsed Time5:00 (300 seconds)
Data Sent (5 days ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.7
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv9.3.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 5,185 36 39 0.92 14
Currently Obsessed with Robot
Octoling leoニ #7043
Wellstring V Wellstring V Autobomb Ultra Stamp
1,449 12 + 6 9 1.33 Ultra Stamp 3
333x Wallflower
Octoling jurgen #2744
Recycled Brella 24 Mk II Recycled Brella 24 Mk II Toxic Mist Triple Splashdown
1,377 6 + 10 10 0.60 Triple Splashdown 5
Late-Night Head
Inkling Keltec #1894
Sploosh-o-matic Sploosh-o-matic Curling Bomb Ultra Stamp
1,122 10 + 2 12 0.83 Ultra Stamp 3
Massive Deck
Inkling man kisser #2546
Wellstring V Wellstring V Autobomb Ultra Stamp
1,237 8 + 2 8 1.00 Ultra Stamp 3
Bad Guys 4,864 39 36 1.08 17
A Complex Schemer
Octoling ľîľ ßůß #4427
S-BLAST '91 S-BLAST '91 Burst Bomb Booyah Bomb
1,121 18 + 4 9 2.00 Booyah Bomb 4
Salty Noob
Inkling Eike Kusch #8422
Enperry Splat Dualies Enperry Splat Dualies Curling Bomb Triple Splashdown
1,607 9 + 0 8 1.12 Triple Splashdown 8
Warm-and-Cozy Introvert
Inkling Jahn PS #2620
Splatana Stamper Nouveau Splatana Stamper Nouveau Toxic Mist Crab Tank
1,139 3 + 3 10 0.30 Crab Tank 2
Dead-Tired Toni Kensa Model
Octoling ıc»ηοir« #2755
Luna Blaster Neo Luna Blaster Neo Fizzy Bomb Ultra Stamp
997 9 + 5 9 1.00 Ultra Stamp 3