Results of とまニウム's Battle

Mode Turf War Turf War - Challenge Challenge
New Season Challenge
Celebrate the new season on a new stage!
Stage Humpback Pump Track
WeaponTentatek Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot (Splat Bomb Splat Bomb / Triple Inkstrike Triple Inkstrike)
Team Inked
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
2 + 1 / 3 <
Kill Ratio: 0.67
Specials4 (Triple Inkstrike)
Turf Inked1,367p
#1 Turf Inker
#1 Home-Base Inker
#1 Splat Assister
Season Sizzle Season 2023
Period 6/3/23, 12:00 AM - 2:00 AM
Battle Start (a year ago)
Battle End (a year ago)
Elapsed Time3:00 (180 seconds)
Data Sent (a year ago)
User Agents3s / v0.5.2
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv4.0.1
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: No
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 4,462 15 14 1.07 12
Fun Youth
ニート #1896
Tentatek Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
1,367 2 + 1 3 0.67 Triple Inkstrike 4
Refreshing Party Star
ひまわり.7z #2290
Explosher Explosher Point Sensor Ink Storm
1,191 5 + 1 3 1.67 Ink Storm 3
Low-Key Ponytail
kei #14670
.52 Gal .52 Gal Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1
1,029 7 + 0 4 1.75 Killer Wail 5.1 2
Die-Hard Entrepreneur
ゆあ #2971
Aerospray MG Aerospray MG Fizzy Bomb Reefslider
875 1 + 1 4 0.25 Reefslider 3
Bad Guys 4,292 14 16 0.88 12
Just Another Beginner
SKG_あ、ほんと #2026
Aerospray RG Aerospray RG Sprinkler Booyah Bomb
1,457 2 + 0 3 0.67 Booyah Bomb 5
Unnoticed Heavy Splatling User
たぽろ #1976
Neo Splash-o-matic Neo Splash-o-matic Suction Bomb Triple Inkstrike
1,236 7 + 0 5 1.40 Triple Inkstrike 3
Lost-and-Found Shark
しゃけ #12993
.52 Gal .52 Gal Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1
855 3 + 0 5 0.60 Killer Wail 5.1 2
Reincarnated Squiffer User
にゅ!! #2876
E-liter 4K E-liter 4K Ink Mine Wave Breaker
744 2 + 0 3 0.67 Wave Breaker 2