Results of Yahweh's Battle

Mode Turf War Turf War - Regular Battle Regular Battle
Stage Undertow Spillway
Weapon.52 Gal .52 Gal (Splash Wall Splash Wall / Killer Wail 5.1 Killer Wail 5.1)
Team Inked
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
4 + 3 / 5 <
Kill Ratio: 0.80
Specials2 (Killer Wail 5.1)
Turf Inked881p
#1 Turf Inker
#1 Splat Assister
#1 Ground Traveler
Season Chill Season 2022
Period 2/19/23, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Battle Start (2 years ago)
Battle End (2 years ago)
Elapsed Time3:00 (180 seconds)
Data Sent (2 years ago)
User Agents3s / v0.3.1
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv2.1.1
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Bad Guys 2,973 19 20 0.95 5
Alternan World Champ
agent oreo #1336
Sloshing Machine Sloshing Machine Fizzy Bomb Booyah Bomb
855 8 + 0 2 4.00 Booyah Bomb 2
This Year's Pop Star
Tigerlotte #2146
Tentatek Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
734 5 + 0 6 0.83 Triple Inkstrike 2
Daring Predator
Prohibited #2417
Splatana Stamper Splatana Stamper Burst Bomb Zipcaster
726 6 + 0 7 0.86 Zipcaster 1
Just Another Taste Tester
tw1nk #1913
Tri-Stringer Tri-Stringer Toxic Mist Killer Wail 5.1
658 0 + 1 5 0.00 Killer Wail 5.1 0
Good Guys 2,961 19 20 0.95 7
Inkless Rapper #3113
.52 Gal .52 Gal Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1
881 4 + 3 5 0.80 Killer Wail 5.1 2
The Real Ultimate Magician
Wizard_81 #1450
Sploosh-o-matic Sploosh-o-matic Curling Bomb Ultra Stamp
832 7 + 1 6 1.17 Ultra Stamp 2
Hard-Workin' Expert
InklinLeo4 #2432
Heavy Splatling Heavy Splatling Sprinkler Wave Breaker
709 0 + 0 5 0.00 Wave Breaker 2
Splatlandian Off the Hook Fan
huntress #1453
Clash Blaster Clash Blaster Splat Bomb Trizooka
539 8 + 3 4 2.00 Trizooka 1