Results of うち's Battle

Mode Turf War Turf War - Splatfest Splatfest (Open)
Stage Humpback Pump Track
WeaponCustom Splattershot Jr. Custom Splattershot Jr. (Torpedo Torpedo / Wave Breaker Wave Breaker)
Clout100x Battle +1,239
Team Inked
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
2 + 0 / 3 <
Kill Ratio: 0.67
Specials5 (Wave Breaker)
Turf Inked1,239p
#1 Turf Inker
#1 Enemy-Base Inker
#1 Super Jump Spot
Season Drizzle Season 2024
Period 10/26/24, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Battle Start (4 months ago)
Battle End (4 months ago)
Elapsed Time3:00 (180 seconds)
Data Sent (4 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.6
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv9.1.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: No
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
魔法使い 3,964 15 14 1.07 11
Ingenious Lad
Inkling ひれおさん #1581
Painbrush Nouveau Painbrush Nouveau Point Sensor Tenta Missiles
1,135 10 + 1 4 2.50 Tenta Missiles 3
Swaggering Plushie
Inkling もふぼん。 #3129
Neo Splash-o-matic Neo Splash-o-matic Suction Bomb Triple Inkstrike
1,089 2 + 0 4 0.50 Triple Inkstrike 3
Super-Duper Lucky Lucky Duck
Inkling ふいうち #3319
Custom Splattershot Jr. Custom Splattershot Jr. Torpedo Wave Breaker
1,067 1 + 0 3 0.33 Wave Breaker 3
Neighborly Agent 8
Octoling こうハム (つよし) #3730
Squeezer Squeezer Splash Wall Trizooka
673 2 + 3 3 0.67 Trizooka 2
忍者 3,634 14 15 0.93 10
Ink-Dripping Ink
Inkling うち #1086
Custom Splattershot Jr. Custom Splattershot Jr. Torpedo Wave Breaker
1,239 2 + 0 3 0.67 Wave Breaker 5
Formidable Deity of Destruction
Inkling ふゆーん #2381
Order Shot Replica Order Shot Replica Suction Bomb Trizooka
1,157 8 + 1 3 2.67 Trizooka 2
Carnivorous Cohock
Inkling ミソハギ #9920
Sloshing Machine Neo Sloshing Machine Neo Point Sensor Trizooka
655 2 + 1 4 0.50 Trizooka 2
Sociable Daughter
Inkling マーベラスあかね #1510
Splat Roller Splat Roller Curling Bomb Big Bubbler
583 2 + 1 5 0.40 Big Bubbler 1