Results of amuza's Battle

Lobby Solo Queue
Mode Tower Control
Stage Kelp Dome
Weapon Splat Charger (Splat Bomb / Bomb Rush)
Rank A+ 45 A+ 55
Level 50 ?
Result Time is up Won
Rank in Team 2
Kills / Deaths 6 / 12 <
Kill Ratio 0.50
Kill Rate 33.3%
Cause of Death
.96 Gal Deco : 3 times
Luna Blaster Neo : 3 times
Tentatek Splattershot : 2 times
Neo Splash-o-matic : 1 time
Suction Bomb : 1 time
Splash Wall : 1 time
Octoshot Replica : 1 time
Cash ? 4,379,770
Battle Start (9 years ago)
Battle End (9 years ago)
Data Sent (9 years ago)
User Agent IkaLog / 97f1e68_20151122_231217_WinIkaLog
Game Version 2.3.0
Weapon Level Rank k/d Ratio Rate
Good Guys 34 / 44 0.77 43.6%
Dual Squelcher 37 A 5 / 12 < 0.42 29.4%
Splat Charger 50 A+ 6 / 12 < 0.50 33.3%
Carbon Roller 48 A 9 / 9 = 1.00 50.0%
Octobrush 50 A+ 14 / 11 > 1.27 56.0%
Bad Guys 44 / 34 1.29 56.4%
Luna Blaster Neo 48 A 13 / 9 > 1.44 59.1%
Octoshot Replica 50 A+ 8 / 10 < 0.80 44.4%
Tentatek Splattershot 47 A+ 13 / 8 > 1.62 61.9%
.96 Gal Deco 40 A+ 10 / 7 > 1.43 58.8%