Results of Zyn's Battle

Mode Turf War Turf War - Challenge Challenge
Foggy Notion
The stakes are high in low-vis battles!
Stage Eeltail Alley
WeaponCarbon Roller Deco Carbon Roller Deco (Burst Bomb Burst Bomb / Trizooka Trizooka)
Team Inked
Rank in Team2
Kills / Deaths
6 + 0 / 1 >
Kill Ratio: 6.00
Specials3 (Trizooka)
Turf Inked957p
#1 Overall Splatter
#1 Home-Base Inker
#1 Enemy Splatter
Season Drizzle Season 2024
Period 10/15/24, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Battle Start (5 months ago)
Battle End (5 months ago)
Elapsed Time3:00 (180 seconds)
Data Sent (3 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.6
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv9.1.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: No
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 3,748 14 6 2.33 11
Winter-Lovin' Bear
Octoling Polaris #6154
Tentatek Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
1,403 1 + 1 1 1.00 Triple Inkstrike 5
Twilight Snowperson
Inkling ▼Zyn△ #2479
Carbon Roller Deco Carbon Roller Deco Burst Bomb Trizooka
957 6 + 0 1 6.00 Trizooka 3
Fun Gelatin
Inkling Starrycat #3820
Mint Decavitator Mint Decavitator Suction Bomb Big Bubbler
790 3 + 0 2 1.50 Big Bubbler 2
Powerful Fish Stick
Inkling Fish stick #2056
Custom E-liter 4K Custom E-liter 4K Squid Beakon Kraken Royale
598 4 + 0 2 2.00 Kraken Royale 1
Bad Guys 3,453 6 14 0.43 11
Splatlandian Agent 3
Octoling $pl&t #3263
Dapple Dualies Nouveau Dapple Dualies Nouveau Torpedo Reefslider
1,041 0 + 0 3 0.00 Reefslider 4
Amateur Buffoon
Inkling Noot #1464
Hydra Splatling Hydra Splatling Autobomb Booyah Bomb
826 2 + 1 4 0.50 Booyah Bomb 2
Splatoon King
Octoling Raaj:] #3391
Flingza Roller Flingza Roller Ink Mine Tenta Missiles
808 3 + 0 4 0.75 Tenta Missiles 2
Thank You for Playing
Octoling Beefo #2840
Hydra Splatling Hydra Splatling Autobomb Booyah Bomb
778 1 + 1 3 0.33 Booyah Bomb 3