Results of Noxtan's Battle

Mode Tricolor Turf War Tricolor Turf War - Splatfest Splatfest (Open)
Stage Eeltail Alley
WeaponSplatana Wiper Splatana Wiper (Torpedo Torpedo / Ultra Stamp Ultra Stamp)
Team Inked
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
4 + 1 / 3 >
Kill Ratio: 1.33
Specials3 (Ultra Stamp)
Ultra Signals1
Turf Inked1,273p
#1 Overall Splatter
#1 Turf Inker
#1 Popular Target
Season Sizzle Season 2024
Period 8/11/24, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Battle Start (7 months ago)
Battle End (7 months ago)
Elapsed Time3:00 (180 seconds)
Data Sent (7 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.5
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv8.1.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp Ultra Signals
Attackers Brot (Attackers) 2,152 8 8 1.00 5 1
Von Millionen der einzige Groove
Inkling ησχταη #3282
Splatana Wiper Splatana Wiper Torpedo Ultra Stamp
1,273 4 + 1 3 1.33 Ultra Stamp 3 1
Der reinste Höhlenmensch
Octoling the loser #3974
Splat Roller Splat Roller Curling Bomb Big Bubbler
879 4 + 0 5 0.80 Big Bubbler 2 0
Attackers Reis (Attackers) 2,055 10 8 1.25 9 4
Maßgefertigte Otaku
Inkling Merry #1356
Forge Splattershot Pro Forge Splattershot Pro Suction Bomb Booyah Bomb
1,048 6 + 0 5 1.20 Booyah Bomb 4 3
Kuschelige Butlerin
Inkling Pippin #1676
.52 Gal .52 Gal Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1
1,007 4 + 3 3 1.33 Killer Wail 5.1 5 1
Defenders Pasta (Defenders) 3,602 14 17 0.82 8 0
Türmendes Raubtier
Octoling tcha #1586
Neo Sploosh-o-matic Neo Sploosh-o-matic Squid Beakon Killer Wail 5.1
1,196 4 + 1 2 2.00 Killer Wail 5.1 4 0
100x Battle WINNER!
Gefährlicher Ninja
Inkling DeividMcoo #1308
.52 Gal .52 Gal Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1
860 5 + 3 5 1.00 Killer Wail 5.1 2 0
Splatsville-Heldin der Welt
Inkling Bacx #1949
Tri-Slosher Nouveau Tri-Slosher Nouveau Fizzy Bomb Tacticooler
849 4 + 1 5 0.80 Tacticooler 1 0
Monochromer Held der Welt
Octoling SMC21 #7907
Classic Squiffer Classic Squiffer Point Sensor Big Bubbler
697 1 + 0 5 0.20 Big Bubbler 1 0