Results of NorthWestWind's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Open)
Stage Flounder Heights
WeaponTenta Brella Tenta Brella (Squid Beakon Squid Beakon / Ink Vac Ink Vac)
RankS+9 ? (+8p)
ResultVictory Knockout
Final Count
Rank in Team4
Kills / Deaths
2 + 2 / 4 <
Kill Ratio: 0.50
Specials2 (Ink Vac)
Turf Inked683p
#1 Super Jump Spot
#1 Ink Vac User
#2 Popular Target
Season Fresh Season 2024
Period 5/15/24, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Battle Start (10 months ago)
Battle End (10 months ago)
Elapsed Time3:33 (213 seconds)
Data Sent (10 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.5
Extra Data
Upload ModeMonitoring
Game Versionv7.2.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 2,972 31 17 1.82 7
Really Dog
Octoling Huge:D #8449
Tri-Slosher Nouveau Tri-Slosher Nouveau Fizzy Bomb Tacticooler
948 15 + 0 4 3.75 Tacticooler 1
Cash-Stacking Machine
Octoling MoneyMaker #2778
Order Slosher Replica Order Slosher Replica Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
642 9 + 2 6 1.50 Triple Inkstrike 1
Lightning-Fast Blade of Grass
Octoling neviR #5741
Foil Squeezer Foil Squeezer Autobomb Splattercolor Screen
699 5 + 4 3 1.67 Splattercolor Screen 3
Windy Undercover Brella User
Inkling NW Wind #3405
Tenta Brella Tenta Brella Squid Beakon Ink Vac
683 2 + 2 4 0.50 Ink Vac 2
Bad Guys 2,921 17 32 0.53 5
Cheeky Jokester
Inkling 」」」あ「「「~~~ #5672
Sploosh-o-matic Sploosh-o-matic Curling Bomb Ultra Stamp
688 6 + 0 10 0.60 Ultra Stamp 0
Ebullient Traveler
Inkling はみずチャンネル #9780
Enperry Splat Dualies Enperry Splat Dualies Curling Bomb Triple Splashdown
674 4 + 2 10 0.40 Triple Splashdown 2
Super-Scary Teardrop
Inkling ビーン #1162
Splattershot Splattershot Suction Bomb Trizooka
862 3 + 0 4 0.75 Trizooka 2
Important Otherworldly Being
Octoling しおみん #2526
Rapid Blaster Rapid Blaster Ink Mine Triple Inkstrike
697 4 + 1 8 0.50 Triple Inkstrike 1