Results of Cass, the Fae's Battle

Mode Tower Control Tower Control - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Open)
Stage Hagglefish Market
WeaponDualie Squelchers Dualie Squelchers (Splat Bomb Splat Bomb / Wave Breaker Wave Breaker)
RankA+ ? (-3p)
ResultDefeat Time is up
Final Count
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
6 + 6 / 11 <
Kill Ratio: 0.55
Specials3 (Wave Breaker)
Turf Inked1,066p
#1 Score Booster
Record-Score Setter
#1 Popular Target
Season Chill Season 2022
Period 12/16/22, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Battle Start (2 years ago)
Battle End (2 years ago)
Elapsed Time5:33 (333 seconds)
Data Sent (2 years ago)
User Agents3s / v0.2.6
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv2.0.1
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Bad Guys 4,838 42 32 1.31 21
Sizzlin' Salmon
jcybob #1611
Heavy Splatling Heavy Splatling Sprinkler Wave Breaker
1,564 14 + 6 2 7.00 Wave Breaker 7
Super-Rare Protected Species
Right Lane #2648
Sloshing Machine Sloshing Machine Fizzy Bomb Booyah Bomb
1,410 14 + 5 9 1.56 Booyah Bomb 5
Crimson Rebel
Jinxy #6154
Tenta Brella Tenta Brella Squid Beakon Ink Vac
973 2 + 1 10 0.20 Ink Vac 4
The Eternal Sushi
Cotten #1838
Splatana Wiper Splatana Wiper Torpedo Ultra Stamp
891 12 + 4 11 1.09 Ultra Stamp 5
Good Guys 4,687 32 42 0.76 17
Super-Duper Lucky Off the Hook Fan
CassTheFae #1332
Dualie Squelchers Dualie Squelchers Splat Bomb Wave Breaker
1,066 6 + 6 11 0.55 Wave Breaker 3
Vulnerable Avocado Roll
Ume #1947
Carbon Roller Deco Carbon Roller Deco Burst Bomb Trizooka
1,051 13 + 1 13 1.00 Trizooka 3
Sporty Shark
Link109™ #2318
Nautilus 47 Nautilus 47 Point Sensor Ink Storm
1,560 10 + 2 7 1.43 Ink Storm 6
High-End Prime Cut
Tanuko #1842
Tri-Stringer Tri-Stringer Toxic Mist Killer Wail 5.1
1,010 3 + 5 11 0.27 Killer Wail 5.1 5