Results of Ice's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Series)
Stage Lemuria Hub
WeaponWellstring V Wellstring V (Autobomb Autobomb / Ultra Stamp Ultra Stamp)
RankS S (+94p)
ResultDefeat Knockout
Series Progress
1 - 3
Final Count
Rank in Team4
Kills / Deaths
2 + 0 / 3 <
Kill Ratio: 0.67
Specials2 (Ultra Stamp)
Turf Inked459p
#1 Damage Taker
#1 Ink Consumer
#1 Ultra Stamp User
Season Sizzle Season 2024
Period 6/1/24, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Battle Start (9 months ago)
Battle End (9 months ago)
Elapsed Time1:30 (90 seconds)
Data Sent (9 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.5
Extra Data
Upload ModeMonitoring
Game Versionv8.0.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Bad Guys 1,820 13 8 1.62 5
Feral Maniac
Octoling Yes Dog♪ #2959
Custom Douser Dualies FF Custom Douser Dualies FF Burst Bomb Triple Inkstrike
570 7 + 3 1 7.00 Triple Inkstrike 2
Inkopolis Square's Introvert
Inkling Stickman #2063
Octo Shot Replica Octo Shot Replica Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
406 3 + 0 2 1.50 Triple Inkstrike 1
Legendary Ultra Stamp User
Inkling Dany #3198
Wellstring V Wellstring V Autobomb Ultra Stamp
363 2 + 1 2 1.00 Ultra Stamp 1
Lovable Octo Life
Octoling Snoop™ #5404
Orderbrush Replica Orderbrush Replica Suction Bomb Zipcaster
481 1 + 2 3 0.33 Zipcaster 1
Good Guys 1,559 8 13 0.62 2
Stable Otherworldly Being
Octoling DJUG #1667
Charcoal Decavitator Charcoal Decavitator Splash Wall Inkjet
277 3 + 1 4 0.75 Inkjet 0
The Eternal Soul
Inkling DL TRADE<3 #9798
Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau Heavy Edit Splatling Nouveau Splat Bomb Crab Tank
492 2 + 1 2 1.00 Crab Tank 0
Legit Tableturf Battler
Octoling J☆©kie™~→† #3210
Order Shot Replica Order Shot Replica Suction Bomb Trizooka
331 1 + 0 4 0.25 Trizooka 0
Hammerhead Bridge Jumper
Inkling IceFlinger #7435
Wellstring V Wellstring V Autobomb Ultra Stamp
459 2 + 0 3 0.67 Ultra Stamp 2