Results of Hiperhazz's Battle

Mode Splat Zones Splat Zones - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Open)
Stage Humpback Pump Track
WeaponSnipewriter 5H Snipewriter 5H (Sprinkler Sprinkler / Tacticooler Tacticooler)
RankS ? (-4p)
ResultDefeat Knockout
Final Count
Rank in Team4
Kills / Deaths
0 + 0 / 4 <
Kill Ratio: 0.00
Specials0 (Tacticooler)
Turf Inked391p
#2 Splat Zone Inker
Season Fresh Season 2024
Period 3/27/24, 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Battle Start (11 months ago)
Battle End (11 months ago)
Elapsed Time2:05 (125 seconds)
Data Sent (11 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.4
Extra Data
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv7.1.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: No
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Bad Guys 2,531 18 4 4.50 9
So-Called Introvert
Inkling ...freiм♪ #1814
Tentatek Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
836 6 + 1 1 6.00 Triple Inkstrike 3
Feral Lone Wolf
Inkling κв Lykos #1797
Splattershot Splattershot Suction Bomb Trizooka
661 7 + 2 2 3.50 Trizooka 3
Fuzzy Comic Artist
Inkling Jesús☆Wolf #1634
Snipewriter 5H Snipewriter 5H Sprinkler Tacticooler
601 1 + 6 0 99.99 Tacticooler 2
Front-Line Inkjet User
Octoling ...¼Chino♪ #9246
Range Blaster Range Blaster Suction Bomb Wave Breaker
433 4 + 4 1 4.00 Wave Breaker 1
Good Guys 2,476 4 18 0.22 9
Surviving Dynamo Roller User
Octoling ty~ #6822
Dynamo Roller Dynamo Roller Sprinkler Tacticooler
818 3 + 0 5 0.60 Tacticooler 3
The GOAT Salmon Life
Octoling Enew :> #1792
Dapple Dualies Nouveau Dapple Dualies Nouveau Torpedo Reefslider
751 1 + 1 4 0.25 Reefslider 4
Everyday Brain
Inkling GuitarWkly #9892
Tenta Sorella Brella Tenta Sorella Brella Ink Mine Trizooka
516 0 + 1 5 0.00 Trizooka 2
Tenacious Streamer
Inkling Hiperhazz #2603
Snipewriter 5H Snipewriter 5H Sprinkler Tacticooler
391 0 + 0 4 0.00 Tacticooler 0