Results of Gooky's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Series)
Stage Crableg Capital
WeaponDread Wringer D Dread Wringer D (Squid Beakon Squid Beakon / Wave Breaker Wave Breaker)
RankS+2 ?
ResultDefeat Knockout
Final Count
Rank in Team2
Kills / Deaths
2 + 0 / 7 <
Kill Ratio: 0.29
Specials0 (Wave Breaker)
Turf Inked564p
#1 Score Booster
Record-Score Setter
#1 Turf Inker
Season Fresh Season 2024
Period 4/13/24, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Battle Start (11 months ago)
Battle End (11 months ago)
Elapsed Time2:08 (128 seconds)
Data Sent (11 months ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.4
Extra Data
Upload ModeMonitoring
Game Versionv7.1.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Bad Guys 2,180 16 9 1.78 10
Blaster-Using Authority
Inkling イニ #2008
Nautilus 79 Nautilus 79 Suction Bomb Triple Splashdown
712 6 + 3 1 6.00 Triple Splashdown 3
Incredible Slosher User
Inkling エル #18287
Slosher Deco Slosher Deco Angle Shooter Zipcaster
472 1 + 2 3 0.33 Zipcaster 2
Dawning Object of Affection
Octoling シロト #1306
Order Shot Replica Order Shot Replica Suction Bomb Trizooka
536 4 + 2 2 2.00 Trizooka 3
Angelic Heel
Inkling ぜんちにかげつ #2541
E-liter 4K E-liter 4K Ink Mine Wave Breaker
460 5 + 0 3 1.67 Wave Breaker 2
Good Guys 1,781 9 16 0.56 3
Inkless Therapist
Inkling なっちくん #2405
.52 Gal Deco .52 Gal Deco Curling Bomb Splattercolor Screen
399 4 + 0 2 2.00 Splattercolor Screen 1
Breakin' Bard
Octoling Σ Θoky #3607
Dread Wringer D Dread Wringer D Squid Beakon Wave Breaker
564 2 + 0 7 0.29 Wave Breaker 0
Super-Duper Lucky Protected Species
Inkling ( ^)o(^ ) #1753
Hydra Splatling Hydra Splatling Autobomb Booyah Bomb
425 1 + 2 3 0.33 Booyah Bomb 1
Won't-Lose Risk-Taker
Inkling ゆきよし #2150
Glooga Dualies Deco Glooga Dualies Deco Point Sensor Trizooka
393 2 + 0 4 0.50 Trizooka 1