Results of マコト's Battle

Lobby Solo Queue
Mode Turf War
Stage Piranha Pit
Weapon Heavy Splatling (Splash Wall / Inkstrike)
Level 43 ?
Result Won
Rank in Team 2
Kills / Deaths 6 / 2 >
Kill Ratio 3.00
Kill Rate 75.0%
Cause of Death
N-ZAP '89 : 2 times
Turf Inked + Bonus 987 + 300 P
Cash ? 173,980
Battle Start (9 years ago)
Battle End (9 years ago)
Data Sent (9 years ago)
User Agent IkaLog / f58fce2_20151227_172426_WinIkaLog
Game Version 2.4.0
Weapon Level Points k/d Ratio Rate
Good Guys 2,872 13 / 12 1.08 52.0%
Aerospray RG 36 1,443 3 / 3 = 1.00 50.0%
Heavy Splatling 43 1,287 6 / 2 > 3.00 75.0%
Hero Charger Replica 39 727 4 / 3 > 1.33 57.1%
Splash-o-matic 23 615 0 / 4 < 0.00 0.0%
Bad Guys 2,761 12 / 13 0.92 48.0%
N-ZAP '85 46 905 7 / 2 > 3.50 77.8%
Carbon Roller Deco 35 776 2 / 2 = 1.00 50.0%
Splattershot Jr. 18 745 3 / 6 < 0.50 33.3%
Splatterscope 14 335 0 / 3 < 0.00 0.0%