Results of Tran Fox's Battle

Mode Turf War Turf War - Regular Battle Regular Battle
Stage Mahi-Mahi Resort
WeaponExplosher Explosher (Point Sensor Point Sensor / Ink Storm Ink Storm)
Team Inked
Rank in Team2
Kills / Deaths
4 + 2 / 5 <
Kill Ratio: 0.80
Specials1 (Ink Storm)
Turf Inked806p
#1 Overall Splatter
#1 Popular Target
#1 Enemy Splatter
Season Chill Season 2022
Period 1/23/23, 11:00 PM - 1:00 AM
Battle Start (2 years ago)
Battle End (2 years ago)
Elapsed Time3:00 (180 seconds)
Data Sent (2 years ago)
User Agents3s / v0.3.0
Extra Data
Upload ModeMonitoring
Game Versionv2.1.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Bad Guys 3,211 27 11 2.45 9
Wild Weapon
Lil' moo #5171
Flingza Roller Flingza Roller Ink Mine Tenta Missiles
979 1 + 1 1 1.00 Tenta Missiles 3
The True Ultimate Boy
RoyBoi #3445
Clash Blaster Clash Blaster Splat Bomb Trizooka
895 18 + 2 3 6.00 Trizooka 3
Out-of-Options Turf Warrior
Akrep #5133
.96 Gal .96 Gal Sprinkler Ink Vac
830 4 + 1 3 1.33 Ink Vac 3
Cool Demon
niezajety #5465
Carbon Roller Carbon Roller Autobomb Zipcaster
507 4 + 1 4 1.00 Zipcaster 0
Good Guys 2,985 11 28 0.39 6
Winter-Lovin' Sushi
Chiara #1528
Aerospray RG Aerospray RG Sprinkler Booyah Bomb
1,002 3 + 0 7 0.43 Booyah Bomb 3
Fluffy Friend
FruityFox #3121
Explosher Explosher Point Sensor Ink Storm
806 4 + 2 5 0.80 Ink Storm 1
Ink-Dripping B-Boy
ThatTF2Guy #1820
Custom Splattershot Jr. Custom Splattershot Jr. Torpedo Wave Breaker
726 1 + 3 8 0.12 Wave Breaker 2
Splatlandian Youth
Dawsachu #2623
Flingza Roller Flingza Roller Ink Mine Tenta Missiles
451 3 + 0 8 0.38 Tenta Missiles 0