Results of rinsuki's Battle

Mode Splat Zones Splat Zones - Challenge Challenge
Swim It to Win It
Swim speed up for all players!
Stage Um'ami Ruins
WeaponEnperry Splat Dualies Enperry Splat Dualies (Curling Bomb Curling Bomb / Triple Splashdown Triple Splashdown)
ResultVictory Knockout
Final Count
Rank in Team1
Kills / Deaths
11 + 2 / 6 >
Kill Ratio: 1.83
Specials3 (Triple Splashdown)
Turf Inked934p
#1 Overall Splatter
#1 Popular Target
#1 Enemy Splatter
URL related to this battle
Season Chill Season 2023
Period 12/28/23, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Battle Start (a year ago)
Battle End (a year ago)
Elapsed Time3:54 (234 seconds)
Data Sent (a year ago)
User Agents3splus / v0.0.9-4-g19ced4e+dirty (s3s/0.5.7)
Extra Data
Plus: Music OCRed Textfiquasonic / H2Whoa
Plus: Music Width496
Plus: Rival Est Power (OCR)推定 2080 イベ ント パワ ェ
Upload ModeManual
Game Versionv6.0.2
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 4,171 29 19 1.53 14
Enperry Splat Dualies Enperry Splat Dualies Curling Bomb Triple Splashdown
934 11 + 2 6 1.83 Triple Splashdown 3
Inkling なつゆちゃん #5950
Bloblobber Bloblobber Sprinkler Ink Storm
1,393 6 + 4 7 0.86 Ink Storm 4
Inkling あむらぐな #2827
Tri-Slosher Tri-Slosher Toxic Mist Inkjet
760 5 + 7 2 2.50 Inkjet 3
Inkling ぱ~はぱ~ぴ~はぴ~ #3292
.52 Gal .52 Gal Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1
1,084 7 + 4 4 1.75 Killer Wail 5.1 4
Bad Guys 3,791 18 29 0.62 10
Inkling Tunamyo_09 #2523
Splatana Stamper Splatana Stamper Burst Bomb Zipcaster
1,192 12 + 1 7 1.71 Zipcaster 1
Inkling ぷりんせすあと #2045
Splatana Stamper Splatana Stamper Burst Bomb Zipcaster
1,060 2 + 4 9 0.22 Zipcaster 5
Inkling ちょこぷらマン! #6771
N-ZAP '85 N-ZAP '85 Suction Bomb Tacticooler
627 0 + 2 7 0.00 Tacticooler 2
Octoling せいそういん #2573
Heavy Splatling Heavy Splatling Sprinkler Wave Breaker
912 4 + 1 6 0.67 Wave Breaker 2