Results of あさ's Battle

Mode Rainmaker Rainmaker - Anarchy Battle Anarchy Battle (Series)
Stage MakoMart
WeaponSplatana Wiper Splatana Wiper (Torpedo Torpedo / Ultra Stamp Ultra Stamp)
RankS+0 ?
ResultVictory Knockout
Series Progress
2 - 0
Final Count
Rank in Team2
Kills / Deaths
4 + 2 / 4 =
Kill Ratio: 1.00
Specials2 (Ultra Stamp)
Turf Inked693p
#1 Score Booster
Record-Score Setter
#1 Splat Assister
Season Fresh Season 2024
Period 3/12/24, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Battle Start (a year ago)
Battle End (a year ago)
Elapsed Time2:42 (162 seconds)
Data Sent (a year ago)
User Agents3s / v0.6.3
Extra Data
Upload ModeMonitoring
Game Versionv7.0.0
StatsAutomated: Yes
Used in global stats: Yes
Name Weapon Inked Kills k Deaths d KR Sp
Good Guys 3,264 17 20 0.85 10
Actual Head of the Class
Octoling ほくほくのうどん #2127
Forge Splattershot Pro Forge Splattershot Pro Suction Bomb Booyah Bomb
1,104 9 + 0 3 3.00 Booyah Bomb 4
Intuitive Engineer
Inkling あぁさぁ #2892
Splatana Wiper Splatana Wiper Torpedo Ultra Stamp
693 4 + 2 4 1.00 Ultra Stamp 2
Exciting Chef
Octoling **たかさん** #2584
.52 Gal Deco .52 Gal Deco Curling Bomb Splattercolor Screen
872 1 + 2 6 0.17 Splattercolor Screen 2
Magical Otherworldly Being
Octoling Melon*〆*バグ #2500
Dapple Dualies Dapple Dualies Squid Beakon Tacticooler
595 3 + 2 7 0.43 Tacticooler 2
Bad Guys 2,728 20 17 1.18 6
Cheerful Dog
Octoling ベル #1734
.52 Gal .52 Gal Splash Wall Killer Wail 5.1
821 9 + 1 4 2.25 Killer Wail 5.1 2
Daydreamin' Flotsam
Inkling ちろのすけ #2730
Tentatek Splattershot Tentatek Splattershot Splat Bomb Triple Inkstrike
558 2 + 2 5 0.40 Triple Inkstrike 1
Southpaw Simmered Food
Inkling しーちゃん* #3149
Bloblobber Bloblobber Sprinkler Ink Storm
728 3 + 2 4 0.75 Ink Storm 2
Growing Gamer
Octoling ^^ #3242
Enperry Splat Dualies Enperry Splat Dualies Curling Bomb Triple Splashdown
621 6 + 1 4 1.50 Triple Splashdown 1