Results of ふぇれ's Battle

Lobby Solo Queue
Mode Turf War
Stage Hammerhead Bridge
Weapon Zink Mini Splatling (Disruptor / Bubbler)
Level 50 ?
Result Won
Rank in Team 1
Kills / Deaths 5 / 1 >
Kill Ratio 5.00
Kill Rate 83.3%
Cause of Death
.52 Gal : 1 time
Turf Inked + Bonus 1,029 + 300 P
Cash ? 1,270,586
Battle Start (9 years ago)
Battle End (9 years ago)
Data Sent (9 years ago)
User Agent IkaLog / 44444bb_20151230_215706_WinIkaLog
Game Version 2.4.0
Weapon Level Points k/d Ratio Rate
Good Guys 2,801 23 / 6 3.83 79.3%
Zink Mini Splatling 50 1,329 5 / 1 > 5.00 83.3%
Dynamo Roller 50 1,068 13 / 0 > 99.99 100.0%
Dual Squelcher 50 1,029 2 / 1 > 2.00 66.7%
Octobrush 50 575 3 / 4 < 0.75 42.9%
Bad Guys 2,158 6 / 23 0.26 20.7%
.52 Gal 50 601 3 / 6 < 0.50 33.3%
Hydra Splatling 50 590 2 / 3 < 0.67 40.0%
Hydra Splatling 50 484 0 / 6 < 0.00 0.0%
Slosher Deco 50 483 1 / 8 < 0.12 11.1%